I don’t think I have ever wanted to just pack up and leave all this bullshit behind as badly as I do right now.
It would mean turning my back on a job that’s paying me almost $25 an hour (part time work).
It would mean turning my back on my Master’s degree…though,
theoretically, I should be able to complete no matter when I ended up
moving to, as it’s 98% on line.
It would mean turning my back on friends and family.
It would mean turning my back on the house we just bought a few months ago.
And yet….I’m still deeply tempted.
I haven’t been writing about all the bullshit that is going on at my
job currently. Suffice it to say that someone who should NOT be working
with kids…is….and that it’s turning out to be quite the ordeal to fire
Even though:
She’s fallen asleep numerous times on the job, while she was supposed to be supervising children.
She’s thrown a cup of water in a student’s face because that student was “irritating” her (her words).
Last year she had 40+ absences (not counting the month and a half she
was institutionalized – please note, we only work 180 days).
This year she already has 4 absences (one for each week we’ve been back in school) – we only get 5 paid absences.
She’s left children unsupervised at the bathrooms numerous times, even after being told explicitly NOT to.
She’s lied about the days she had to leave early for class this year
–first it was Mondays and Wednesdays. Then it was Mondays through
Thursdays. Then it was all five days.
She cannot actively supervise more than 10 students MAX…on a good day.
And we need to be supervising at least 13 on her own. And she CAN’T do
THIS is what we are dragging our feet on firing? Really?
And then today, when my supervisor finally dragged her ass out to my
campus (I’ve been sitting on a write up for a WEEK now, waiting for my
damn supervisor to get out to my campus), she told me that our Boss (who
was my supervisor last year, when I was dealing with the first round of
this bullshit with this aide) was suggesting that I was setting this
aide up to fail….that I might be “picking” on this aide.
And I can’t even begin to explain how furious I was. That is such bullshit.
And in that moment, I wanted to cut my hours at work, to become a
substitute supervisor and instead, start taking more classes for my
Master’s degree. That way I can be done with this bullshit.
I’m just afraid of what may happen due to her negligence in the
meantime. And I’m getting to the point that I’m about ready to talk to
HR and possibly lodge a complaint with Child Protective Services. After
all, if my bosses aren’t willing to do something to protect these
children, then by god, I WILL.
Edit: Totally forgot to list the kicker on our complaints against
the Horrid Aide – over the summer, my Boss got a call from a concerned
citizen that told her that he and his family were eating at one of the
popular local restaurants. Apparently, Horrid Aide and a number of her
friends were eating there, and were LOUDLY bragging about throwing the
cup of water in a child’s face, all the write-ups she’s gotten, that she
takes naps on the job, and that she’s STILL working there. She bragged
about working for our after school program (using the name, thus the
man was able to look us up and talk to Boss Lady). And Horrid Aide and
her friends were bragging about their illegal drug use. So here we have
a guy that didn’t know anything about our after school program calling
up Boss Lady to tell her about Horrid Aide (he knew her name, but not
what actual campus she worked at), and Horrid Aide is still WORKING FOR
US?!?!?!?! Are you shitting me????