Sunday, May 15, 2016


So after my trip to the Zoo yesterday, the Hubs commented that he really wanted to go look at dogs. I had mentioned going to the FM Animal Shelter a while back, and apparently he had his heart set on doing that.

Given that Holly was his dog, I am following his lead on this. If he feels he’s ready for another dog, then we’ll do it.

We walked in and he immediately fell in love with “Sassy”.

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Which is beyond hilarious, because he was so adamant anytime I brought up the subject, that he did NOT want a pit bull.

And “Sassy” (we are renaming her Josey instead) is a pit mix.

So we’ll be bringing her home Monday morning. David had to repair our fence. It worked great for Holly, who wouldn’t cross any boundary once she was made aware of it…but I don’t think it would contain our new dog.


  1. Lucky Sassy/Josie! Lucky you!

    1. :) Thanks.
      We're looking into puppy obedience training today for her. She's a very spirited lil girl. ;)
