So giving a bit of background, for INFO 5000 (my 1st grad school class in Information Sciences – ie Librarian), I have to do this “Leadership Project”. Seeing as how I’m taking ANOTHER grad class AND working, I knew I had to pick something that would be easy to tackle. So I opted to do a Creative Art Journal “club” at my after school program.
Here is my actual proposal:
For my leadership project, I propose organizing a creative journaling and art journaling club for all interested students in my after school program. This is something that a number of students have expressed interested in upon seeing some of my own creative art journaling. This project would entail coming up with a Code of Ethics for the group members to abide by, sharing creative thoughts on what goes into a journal, encouragement to test out new artistic techniques, sharing of journaling prompts, and would increase the students’ thinking, artistic, and writing skills.
Here is my Professor’s response:
Your proposal has been approved. We like the idea of having an art journaling club specially this will improve writing skills. In your final submission, we would to learn more about your school, the grades included in this project, the size of the class, frequency of the meetings, content, etc. We suggest that perhaps you could offer a prize or two and have judges from the teachers…etc. We would like to see the Code of Ethics — this should be a beneficial exercise for the students.
I would have liked to have seen my face when I read the sentence about “grading” these art journals. That’s on the same level of peeing in the Holy Water. NOT COOL. I mean, if it was for a class, like an art class? I could see “grading” the work. But these are CREATIVE art JOURNALS. I’m not going to critique their JOURNAL work. Fuck that noise.
But I guess I’ve touched on a topic that I’ll need to write about for my professors, to explain WHY that is such a horrible idea (at least in my opinion, in my group).
After reading some other people's comments on this....I have figured out that my professor was most likely asking for the GRADE RANGE for the students involved and not asking me to GRADE their journals. *laughs* Man, I'm all sorts of keyed up today and apparently was just spoiling for a fight.
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