Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blue Moon

written: July 31st

It is hard to believe that this month is drawing to a close.  July is just about done and August is anxiously waiting in the wings. 

And given that tonight is a "Blue Moon" -- the second full moon in a single month -- makes it a bit more special.  And then tomorrow is Lammas, the First Harvest Sabbat -- this weekend is just packed full of magick.

Annie, a friend of mine that I met ages ago through OpenDiary (rest in peace, sweet journaling community), is going through a rough spell.  She made it a point to go hiking in the woods for hours to simply soothe her very troubled soul.  At the end of the hike, she talked about how her spirit animal, the Red Tailed Hawk, showed up and bam!  It hit me. 

I have Red Tailed Hawk feathers.  I've had them for years.  And I knew in that moment, the reason I've been hanging on to them for so long, but didn't know what to actually DO with them....I was meant to pass them on to Annie.  So I gathered up a tail feather I have and a wing feather.  And in the process, one of the feathers I have from a Siberian Eagle Owl demanded to tag along with them. 

So all three feathers were placed on my altar and basked in the awesomeness of the Blue Moon's energies.  Typically, I would bless and charge them with a purpose, but seeing as how they are going to a friend (and fellow Witch) I opted to just clear them of any residual energy they may have picked up while hanging out in my possession and let them soak up the energy from the Blue Moon.  When Annie gets them, she can charge them with whatever energy she decides they need depending on how she plans to use them.

I started my second round of house sitting for the Robinsons today as well.  It was nice to sit out on their back deck and moon gaze while I let Sammy out to do his business.  It just really makes me long even more for a house and a yard of my own.  I know I'll probably be bitching about the work that goes into home ownership within a year of having it, but oh, what a wonderful problem to have!  ::laughs::

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