Ok, so to explain.
I was walking Holly today. We’ve been getting a SHIT ton of rain over the past month or so....and it’s just continuing for the foreseeable future.
So anyways, I decided I should walk Holly today. Typically, we walk out the pedestrian gate, around the backside of the apartment section (our apartment complex is actually three completely separate sections), and then we head off to the wooded trails on either side of the road that runs in front of my apartment section.
Well, we hit the backside of the section and it starts sprinkling. So I’m hoping that it’ll let up by the time we hit the split that I can either go right and hit the wooded trails, or I can admit defeat and turn left and come in the vehicle gate.
The drizzling rain isn’t letting up…so we conceded defeat and turn left. I scope out my hawklings. They are a bit soggy but still looking great.
And that’s when I see this little Mourning Dove on the pavement. And I notice right away that it’s a fledgling AND there’s some seriously wrong with it’s wing.
I take Holly up to the apartment and return with a shoebox. Poor little thing was soaked to the bone and sitting in a puddle while the rain drizzled down. It barely fought me when I picked it up.
So she chilled in the dark shoebox, with a nice warm rag in there to help her dry, and I set that in front of my space heater and kept it just warm enough.
I located a wild bird sanctuary that was open (miracle) and more than happy to take her.
Well, I knew she deserved a name before I sent her packing.
I called her Driz in the beginning, for the drizzling rain…but then that morphed into Driz-Zel because of the ghetto-rific place I live. ::laughs::
So now, Miss Driz-Zel is in good hands. I wish her a speedy recovery:

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