hand written last night
Thank goodness this is the last night of the basketball gig. It’s only an extra 2 hours or so in the evenings, and the pay is excellent,
and honestly, it doesn’t require a whole lot out of me, but damn, I am
worn out by the final end of the day. If I do this again, I will take
the week off from Starbucks. Working all three jobs was just too much
for me. But, on the upside, those paychecks are going to be quite nice.
Sadly, it’s looking like the Canada trip isn’t going to happen this
year. Kier, my cousin, is graduating from high school and is apparently
moving far away for college, so the family is swamped this summer.
Hopefully David and I can hash out the details this weekend for our
mini-vacation we’re planning to do in March. We’re planning a long
weekend down in San Antonio (he’s never been). Definitely going to hit
the San Antonio Zoo (because, I just can’t miss a zoo), and the River Walk, and quite possibly the Alamo as well. We just both so desperately need a vacation.
And I’m tentatively planning a trip to Wolf Park and possibly Wolf
Creek in October. David would like to join me on that trip as well, as
he’s never been. But we’ll have to wait and see how his work is
behaving at that time. I have no qualms about going by myself – hell,
I’ve done it twice before. Once driving and once flying. And honestly,
I’ve been working my ass off the past year and I’m doing well
financially – I’ve more than fucking earned this trip. I miss my wolves
so incredibly much.
Seems we’ll be spending another 13 months here at RBC apartments.
We’d rather not, but comparative apartments in the area are slim picking
in March (when our lease is up), and so many places refuse to take
large dogs. So we’re sucking it up and staying another 13 months.
Hopefully at the end of that, we’ll be moving into a house of our very
own and can be done with the rent rat race. But for now, we are going
to stay put and save up.
I’ve having a blast with the Month of Letters Challenge. Two people
have written me. A lady from Georgia sent me a cool wolf card. And a
lady from Australia sent me an awesome Tiger Snake postcard and
stamp. Mom said that my Grandmother loved the postcard I sent her. I
seriously adore getting snail mail. I do need to get some return
address labels soon. I ordered another postcard grab-bag from
Pomegranate Publishing. And I’ll keep my eyes peeled for local
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