Saturday, December 21, 2013


It's been ages since I've written.  I had to go back and re-read my last entry just to see where everything was standing that last time I wrote (which was on Dec 5th).

I got the job at Starbucks.  I'm doing the training now.  I'm trying not to let it overwhelm me...there is just so much information to log into this brain of mine.  It's definitely out of my comfort zone, and I'm struggling a bit with that.  I'm used to being top dog (as I've done child care for AGES), so I'm really having to humble myself (which needed to be done, let's be honest there), and really stretch myself to learn everything this new job and role entails.  But, I really like the people I work with.  They seem to be very genuine and friendly, so that's always a plus.

Did photos of Leviathan and Holly with Santa.  Thank god we had the horrid ice storm the first weekend of December (we got iced in for 4 days), so they rescheduled the Santa photos for this weekend.  If they hadn't, we totally would have missed out on it this year. 

This December has just flown by.  I guess losing 4 days to the ice storm just really threw everything off.  It's hard to believe that today is Yule and that Christmas is in 4 days.  Just two weeks left in this YEAR.  Craziness.

I'm still not on medication for my bipolar depression and I'm still doing GREAT.  I'm worlds better than when I was on it.  I was worried that starting the new job in which I'm a total newbie would throw me into some serious anxiety/panic attacks, but honestly, other than just wanting to hide out the night before I go, they haven't really even existed.  When I was on the medication, I'd have all sorts of anxiety attacks, so I think this is for the best (at the moment.  I reserve the right to revisit this should I get bad again).

I need to catch up on my 365 Photo Challenge and the Project Life.  I don't think I'll be doing Project Life again.  David and I just aren't that interesting, and it's hard to come up with stuff for each week.  *chuckles*  We stay home most of the time and watch various TV shows (we're currently watching Breaking Bad) and movies. 

I made the decision to leave my Coven.  I'm just not getting anything from the rituals that I don't get when I do my own.  Most of the time, I enjoy my own solitary rituals more than the small Coven ones.  *shrugs*  I've looked into joining a different Coven, but there just aren't any in the area that speak to me. 

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