Thursday, August 1, 2013


from: Hecate's Corner

Blessed Lammas!

Lammas, also called Lughnasadh, is a Pagan holy day on August 1st, marking the first harvest of the season.  It's a fire celebration and a time to count one's blessings.

I did a small ritual for myself.  It had two parts. 

Part 1 was counting my blessings.
I did a list of 5 things I'm thankful for:
1. good health for me and my household.
2. that I passed the Generalist 4 - 8 teaching test.
3. having a safe and secure home.
4. my husband.
5. my creativity and passions.

Part 2 was setting goals to be accomplished by the next harvest ritual, Mabon (Sept 22nd).
1. apply for teaching jobs.
2. read the two finance books my Mom let me borrow.
3. write a gratitude list every Thursday.
4. continue celebrating the Sabbats (holy days) and Esbats (Full Moons), on my own or with the Coven.
5. no more smoking period.

I had five Mandarin orange slices that I empowered with each of my goals.  I spoke aloud that I was taking into my body whatever it is that I need to possess to accomplish each goal.  And then I spoke each goal aloud as I ate the orange slice.  Delicious.  The remaining nectar I named as the Nectar of the Gods, that it would be Their blessings upon me, to rekindle my connection with my own internal divine spark to be able to accomplish each of my goals.  And I drank it down. 

Then I ended the ritual and am enjoying the quiet solitude of the day. 

I plan to sit down with each goal and break them into whatever steps I need to take to accomplish them. 

I'll add the photo of the altar later on, when I upload photos.

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