Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mabon and Initiation Work

ART: Miracle Deer

I've got the rough draft of my Mabon ritual written out. 
The invocations for the Goddess (Gaia) and God (Cernunnos) still need a lot of polishing, but it feels great to have the gist of it down.
I've decided that I'll take my mounted deer antlers to be used in ritual.  We'll tie the white ribbon on the left set of antlers for our blessings from the Goddess.  And then deer antler slices will hang on the right side of the antlers for us to take as a symbol of what we need to hunt from the God.

  This is what I have in mind.  And we'll draw a symbol of what it is we need on the antler slice.  They go home with each person and reside on our personal altars until they come to fruition.  Then they'll be buried in the earth to return them to the God and Goddess.
I'm surfing YouTube for Pagan Chants.  I know for the second part of the ritual (where we get our antler slices), we'll use the "Hoof and Horn" chant to raise energy for our magickal working.  Not 100% sure what to use for the first portion of the ritual (the gratitude).  It'll be goddess based for sure.

I'm bad about writing down invocations.  They just don't flow for me when I'm writing them.  But speaking them is completely different.  So I'm thinking of doing a run through of the ritual a few times just to see what creative juices get to flowing.  I'll record whatever I say so I can rework the very bare-bones invocations I have written down currently.  Seriously, they're 6 lines and just pitiful. 

But there's no time limit on when I have to have this ritual written.  It's all on my time and when I wish to have my 1st degree work accomplished.  Even after I finish up writing this ritual, I have to work on a piece of art.  Which I've decided I'm going to make a decorated altar.  Much like this one:
  Just my own spin on it and different colors.  I'm also thinking of making beaded dangles for each of the full moons and Sabbats that I could hang from the altar to decorate it for each of these Esbats (full moons) and Sabbats.  At least, that's the plan for now.  I won't get them all done before I request my initiation most likely, but I would like to have the Sabbats done.

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