Friday, April 26, 2013

All Buddhist and Shit

art via FaceBook

I had a small flash of....enlightenment?  Insight?  Wisdom?  Whatever you want to call it.
I was bemoaning that I was experiencing a dip of depression each night starting around 10 pm.  And whining to myself about how I couldn't be "cured" and all that bogus, Negative Nancy shit.

And bam, it hit me.
Dwelling on it and wallowing in it only feeds that fire.
Well, I'm tired of being burned by that fire, so I'm done feeding fuel to it.

I'm going all Buddhist on it.
There is no cure for bipolar depression.
There is no cure for self-inflicted injury impulses.
But that doesn't mean I have to let it run my life.

So starting now, when depression or the self-injury impulse pop up, I'll recognize them for what they are, and then let them go.
Much like getting into focus on your breath...and when a distraction pops up, you don't fight it.  You acknowledge it, but you let it go and return your focus to to your breath.  Again and again, you continue to return to your breath, and eventually, you will train your brain to only focus on the meditation.  I'm hoping to do the same sort of training with myself. 

Time to be a survivor, and stop allowing myself to be a victim.
So this is my newest, greatest experiment I'm putting to work in my life.
This doesn't mean I won't be taking my medication, because, like I said, there is no cure for bipolar depression.  And that medication helps keep me out of the danger zones.
But I'm done expecting to just pop a pill and presto-change-o, my life is perfect.

The Goddess only helps those who help themselves.  If I'm not willing to do the legwork myself, then obviously Sekhmet isn't going to do it for me.  And if She certainly wouldn't be a pleasant experience!  *laughs*

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