Kat, a coven mate, has been diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer.
She let us know and asked for any and all energy we can spare, whenever
we can spare it, as she battles this.
I immediately leaped into action.
I cut out a small disk of paper that would fit under the candle I plan
to burn for her. On one side I wrote her name. On the back side I
wrote two Runes I found when I googled "
runes for healing":

The red rune is "Sol" -- represents the disk of the sun -- and its
magickal use is that it brings the warmth and healing power of the sun.
The green rune is "Ui" -- represents the turning point -- and its
magickal use is that it revives former powers and helps assist in the
crises of healing. For now, I figured these two are the best (the sun
is for Sekhmet, a powerful healer in Her own right). Once the crises of
the situation passes, I'll change out "Ui".
The I put the disk under a red candle (Sekhmet's healing color) and put a
Chiastolite Cross Stone, as it is a healing stone and put all of that
on my altar pentacle. I lit the candle, used my athame to draw another
pentacle in the air above the altar pentacle to bless it all and sent
out my prayer for Kat's healing. I'll do this each day.
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