31 Goals for my 31st Year
- weigh 175 lbs or less
* 11/12/12 = 210
* 11/26/12 = 200.5
* 12/3/12 = 202.5
* 12/10/12 = 199.5
* 12/17-12 = 202.5
* 12/24/12 = 202.0
* 1/1/13 = 202.0
make a career decision and go for it
* finishing up Alternative Teaching Certificate
* classes completed 12/28/12
- Photo Safari at Fossil Rim for my 7th year SI free
- take a sketching/drawing/paint class
- do well in the Coursera classes I've enrolled in
- get a tattoo
- return visit to Wolf Park
- return visit to the Houston Zoo
- Project Life for 2013
make a wish at 12:12 on December 12th, 2012
* done!
- photos in the bluebonnets
- 12 new recipes
1. Red Velvet Cake Dip = 11/17/12
2. Cheesy Ranch Chicken = 12/17/12
- make the beaded wrap/case for my athame
- send in a secret to Post Secret
- go to 3 DFW Herpetological Society meetings
- go to the big reptile expo in February
- take a photography class/course
- make 6 of the crafts I've found on Pinterest
1. Alternative Xmas Tree
2. Christmas Card album
- deep clean my art territory
- get nice photos done of David and I
- do something nice for David's birthday
- 365 Photo Challenge
- good photos of Leviathan every month
Nov = Xmas photos for Xmas card
Dec = New Year photos with antlers
Jan =
- enter 3 photography contests
- find my Sir Bob the Chicken Knight Story and work on getting it published
- have my fortune read
- visit the Japanese Botanical Gardens in the Spring and Fall
- pay down the Firestone credit card to zeroby my 32nd birthday
- start a savings account
- treat myself to the Zoo, lilies, and a nice dinner for my 32nd birthday
- visit the Ultimate Reptile Shop in Hockley and feed their Gaboon Viper.
101 Goals in 1001 Days
1. put $10 away for my Polar Bear Trip for every goal accomplished
2. finish up Texas Teachers Alternative Teaching Program 12/18/12
3. weigh 155 lbs again
4. tattoo!
5. complete 10 pages in Leviathan's baby book
6. get a nice telephoto lens
7. win a photography contest
8. get a house
9. upgrade Leviathan's tank
* new hide 3/15/12
10. get a Woma python
11. make my own breads
12. do something nice for our 2nd wedding anniversary 9/30/11
13. 3rd wedding anniversary 9/30/12
14. 4th wedding anniversary
15. do something nice for my 6th SI free anniversary didn't do
16. 7th SI free anniversary
17. 8th SI free anniversary
18. visit 2 new animal sanctuaries
19. take David to visit Wolf park
20. take ballet lessons
21. take some form of MMA classes
22. complete another 365 Photo Challenge 1/1/12
23. take Leviathan and Holly to visit Santa each Christmas
* 12/3/11
* 12/15/12
24. bead a case for my athame
25. revisit David's parents
26. art classes
27. photography classes
28. get my handgun license
29. become proficient with 3 types of weapons
30. do the Morning Pages for 1 year 9/19/12
31. eat vegetarian for 1 month
32. dedicate myself to the Rose Hollow Coven 1/7/12
33. attain my 1st Degree in the Coven
34. take a class on divination
35. be 100% debt free
36. visit 2 new states
37. meet up with 3 on-line friends in person
38. 1 new recipe a month for the 1001 days
39. do the Art Every Day Challenge each November
40. declutter my room every year
41. visit the Japanese Botanical Gardens
42. visit 2 new Pagan stores
43. cut my hair short 9/24/11
44. dye it red
45. complete a Word Find book
46. donate all old cellphones
47. play in the rain 4 times
48. finish my Vision Quest Journal
49. do another Vision Quest
50. buy myself lilies on my 30th birthday didn't do
51. 31st birthday 11/10/12
52. 32nd birthday
53. paint toenails every month
54. get a membership pass to the Fort Worth Zoo 3/11/12
55. visit the Fort Worth Zoo 1x a month (at least)
56. laser hair removal
* neck begun 7/11/12
57. host/participate in 2 journal swaps a year
58. go on a journal retreat
59. photos in the bluebonnets each year
60. send in a secret to PostSecret
61. go horseback riding
62. camp out on Mom's land
63. attend a Pagan conference
64. Feral Weekend every 3 months
65. print out my blog
* 2010 completed
* 2011 completed
66. list 3 things I'm thankful for each day
67. visit the Georgia Aquarium
68. go to the Cypress Valley Canopy Tours (Austin)
69. visit the Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve
70. attend another UFC event
71. make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011
* wish made at 11:11 pm on 11-11-11
72. keep a dream journal
73. make my bed daily for a month May 2012
74. take my meds every day
75. meditate every day for 3 months
76. practice and record invocations for Sekhmet
77. Medusa
78. Wolf
79. Bear
80. professional photos
81. get my fortune read
82. 3 more photo tours at Fossil Rim
83. leave a big tip for someone
84. write to a celebrity and try to get an autographed photo
85. get a massage
86. make five $50 donations to a charity
87. clean out closet 1x a year and donate clothes
88. clean out books 1x a year and sell at Halfpriced Books
89. buy an iPad
90. rent a tux, complete with a top hat and pimp cane and wear it
91. Tabula Rasa ritual every year
* 2011
* 2012
92. take David to a rattlesnake roundup
93. go to another PowWow
94. plan another solo road trip
95. brush up on my Latin
96. use my library card
97. learn how to write my name in Japanese
98. clear out our extensive alcohol bottle collection
99. make my own cheese
100. maintain my own Book of Shadows
101. do it all over again!