Man, I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep the day away.
It was so hard to get out of bed. I was snuggled in just perfectly and had NO desire to get out. *chuckles*
But Holly must be walked.
My Spirit needs the woods.
And squirrels need to be pestered. *chuckles*
Such is the way of life around here.
Obama won the election. He's staying in office for another 4 years. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved. The Republican's stance on social platforms was just too scary for me. I think they chose to focus too much on things that, honestly, are none of their goddamn business. They may have a better fiscal plan....but their strong stances on reproductive rights and gay marriage.....I just couldn't look past those.
Maryland and Maine have passed laws SUPPORTING gay marriage. Woohoo for them! I hate to say it, but I know in my heart, it will be a cold day in hell before such a law is passed in Texas.
Birthday is looming on the horizon (Nov 10th, this Saturday).
And I have to say....turning 31 is bothering me a whole lot more than turning 30 did.
I dunno. I just expected MORE by this point.
I've got some ideas I'm working on. I'm probably going to finish up my alternative teaching program and take the plunge into public school teaching. I can't say I'm 100% thrilled by this, but I am good with working with children. I'd love to get into the special needs program, or maybe with the at-risk/juvenile children.
It'll give me the money I need to get my butt out of debt and actually be able to take my polar bear trip by the time I turn 40 (FUCK, that's only 9 years away!!! Now I'm really starting to feel old).
More and more I'm feeling the pull to do another Vision Quest. It's just that the Medicine Man I did my first Quest with no longer does them. Maybe he knows another Medicine Person who would take me under their wing. I dunno.
I just feel like I'm going in circles here.
Ma'at warned me about this when She spoke with me on Mabon. I need to focus, but I just keep swirling around and around. *sighs*
Ok, time to put my big girl panties on.
The Plan:
- finish up my 31 Goals for my 31st Year (I don't do New Year's Resolutions)
- Tabula Rasa (clean slate) ritual this week)
- enjoy my birthday WEEK
The Next Step:
- Thanksgiving week, finish up alternative teaching on-line classes
- look into various teaching tests I am interested in taking
- get alternative certification
- begin applying for jobs for the next school year
Overall Plan:
- stop wallowing
- get toned (David's offered to pay for a tattoo up to $250 if I get toned up)
- let my bad ass self SHINE
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