Shit, I didn’t mean to drop that drama/trauma bomb and just skip away. ::chuckles::
Having those days off of work as mental health days, plus my weekend, did WONDERS for me. I seriously just needed the break from EVERYTHING.
I hate working full time. It’s such a scam. I expend so much energy getting through each work day, only to return home utterly exhausted. And what little energy I DO have, then gets spent on doing errands and all the things I can’t get to during the week. And there is NOTHING left over for me or my hobbies.
I know, I know, I could definitely have it worse. But, since when has someone having it worse, completely negate the suck-tasticness of what I’m going through? Sure, they are different levels of sucky-ness, but they are ALL still SUCKING ASS.
So yeah…that’s where I’m at. ::laughs:: But seriously, my mental health right now, compared to where it was on Thursday or Friday? LIGHT YEARS apart.