Saturday, May 29, 2021

To Quest...

Or not to Quest…that is the question that is vexing me at the moment.

I received an email from the group that I’ve done a Vision Quest with in the past – YEARS ago. And in it, they are talking about the Vision Quest for this year. And part of me seriously wants to go. It’s in August, in New Mexico, up in the mountains. It certainly would be beautiful.

And this would be a good time to go. This is a good point in my life to really stop and reconnect with Spirit and redefine my path once again. I’ll be turning 40 this year, and that midlife crisis bullshit has been starting to perk up. I’ve also really walked through fire these past two years mentally.

On the other hand…I haven’t been at my current job all that long. They may not look too favorably on me requesting 8 days off in August for this Ceremony. Plus there is the money aspect. And the spiritual and physical endurance aspect.

But then again, this summer, all the children’s summer reading program stuff is 100% online and is already set up and ready to go – requiring absolutely nothing from me. So this would be an optimal time to go, because next year, I may have to do everything at my Library myself.

And of course…I always worry that if I don’t do it now, I may not do it later.

So, I circle back…
To Quest…
or not to Quest…

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Big News

I am EMPLOYED again!

The Da. Library apparently sent me an acceptance letter back on April 20th that I didn’t get, but reached out again yesterday to double check with me, since I had done everything else after that for the job. ::laughs:: SO GLAD THEY DID.

So yes, I have a job again! Woohoo!

And the coolest thing? That first acceptance letter was sent exactly TWO WEEKS TO THE DAY after I made my new job spell candle. To. The. DAY. Like, I’m blown away. Hubs keeps telling me my witchcraft is strong and to stop doubting it. ::chuckles::

So yeah, now I’m just waiting to hear back from the Da. City as to when I start orientation. That’s supposed to take between 5 to 7 days to complete and then I get to start working at the actual Branch I’ll be at. ::huge sigh of relief::

And I’ll be paid around $41k a year. Soooooo much better than the $26k I was making at the FB Library.

I must admit....I came across a untruthful spell powder…it is supposed to make people tell the truth. I’m tempted. I’m sooooo tempted to use it on former quasi-supervisor. Just to bring all of his bullshit to light. I don’t care what the company decides to do about it. I just want them to SEE what’s going on. Decisions, decisions. ::chuckles::

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Not That Kind of a Witch

I recently had a friend request that I light a candle for her family. This, in and of itself, is not an unusual request. Quite often I get requests to light candles for people for a variety of reasons. It comes with the territory of being a Witch. Though, I’m sure Catholics get similar requests, perhaps? Lighting votives at the Church. Though, I do admit, I do not know that much about the ins and outs of Catholicism.

But, I’m veering off topic. So this friend told me that her husband’s grandmother is having a difficult time with dementia. And it’s causing quite the strain on the family. Which, I completely understand, having my own grandmother battle dementia. I assumed she just wanted a candle for calming or for healing or something along those line.

Imagine my surprise, when instead, she requested a candle be lit to speed along the grandmother’s passing. Other than the dementia and a current bout of a UTI, this grandmother is in perfectly good health. And I’m being asked to work magick and prayer to speed the demise of a person. And while, I’m very much a gray Witch, and I am pro-hex....

But this? This I will not do. I work with chaotic spirits and deities and energies. I work within the Shadow Realm, sure. But I am not the one who makes that decision who lives and who dies – unless I am put into a kill or be killed type of situation. And this? This is not that type of situation.

Now, if SHE would like to light her own candles and say her own prayers to whatever deities she acknowledges? I will not pass judgement on that. Do as thou wilt.

But this Witch? Naw. Imma gonna sit that one out, thank you very much.