Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Feast of Sekhmet & The End of 2014

Talk about packing a lot of spiritual stuff into the very last day of 2014.

I completed my Tabula Rasa (Latin for “clean slate”) ritual today. I had already done the major leg work of reviewing the past year’s highs and lows. All in all 2014 was a pretty positive year. I like reviewing it all because it puts everything into perspective. The negative tends to really stand out in my memory, but this brings back all the good that was present to, that sometimes gets over looked. After all, isn’t it more fun to wallow in misery? *chuckles*

The final part of the Tabula Rasa ritual is the year ahead Tarot spread. Normally, in the past, I would use my Medicine Cards, as I tend to bond better with animals/totems than traditional Tarot. But I got a new deck a few months back that I just adore – the Gilded Tarot. So I used that, and this is honestly the clearest Tarot reading I’ve ever had. The next year is a year of Accomplishment and Doing, and that completely lines up with my own goals, my totem I’ve picked for the year, and my Word.

AND on top of all of that, this is also the final Feast Day of Sekhmet, so that had to be honored as well. She’s been piping up more and more (along with other deities/entities/totems) and I’m just loving that sense of reconnection.

My altar for this final Holy Day:
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Obviously, the red and the garnets are sacred to Sekhmet. The incense is cinnamon, which She’s expressed a preference for. Present are the three Sekhmet statues I currently own. The white lions are symbolic of Her. And the alcohol? She laid claim to those as soon as I saw them. We’ll share the tequila later on tonight. The Goldschlager has been promised to Her later on in the year. She’ll let me know when She’s ready to claim it.

And for fun, a photo of me in ritual attire:
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A beautiful red kimono robe with golden flames made for me by Jen. And a beautiful, fancy garnet necklace I bought ages ago and just remembered I had.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Jurassic Quest

My mom is the one that tipped me off about Jurassic Quest. And they were coming to San Angelo (fairly close to where she lives) on December 13th and 14th.

Me, being the huge dino fan, knew I just had to go.

What surprised me is that David tagged along. It was his first weekend off after having the tech pager (being 100% on-call 24/7 for an entire week), but it turned out to be quite a bit of fun.

Walking in, we just happened to time it perfectly to see this guy out and about:
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Seriously, if we win the lottery, I’m totally getting a dinosaur suit made. It will be the most awesome Halloween costume EVER.

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David, me, and an Albertosaurus (not to scale). David was busy scoping out the Triceratops.

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This guy didn’t have a placard so I’m not sure the species.

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Tyrannosaurus Rex and Giganotosaurus.

All in all, it was definitely more geared to the 10 and under crowd, but still pretty cool. :)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pets & Santa

Managed to get this year’s photos of the pets with Santa done today. I hate pushing it to the very last moment, but you do what you gotta do.

Santa (who had a phobia of snakes) and Leviathan. We didn’t completely win him over, but it was the first time he’s ever handled a snake and was impressed with how calm (and big) she was.
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Santa and Holly
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Sunday, December 7, 2014

HR Update

So I finally grew a pair and called HR about my boss and his abusive ways.

They asked if I felt comfortable talking to our district manager about it, and I hesitantly replied that if that’s what they wanted me to do, I’d do it. But I told them that she behaves as though the sun rises and sets on our boss.

I will have a “Conflict Resolution Technician” call me sometime next week to see how this is evolving. *laughs* God, I just adore the corporate naming game.

Bayley, one of my shift managers, told me today that Kelly (District Manager) came in on Saturday to talk to Darrell (store manager) and Bayley over heard part of it.

Basically, Kelly told Darrell that she’s gotten too many complaints about him recently.....even though she knows they are utter bullshit.

Direct quote there from what Bayley heard.

So. Um. Yeah. I won’t be calling her.

I’ll call HR again, and let them know this is what District Boss said and that I’m no longer comfortable bringing this up to her.


I really want to quit, but it’s kind of interesting to see how this evolves.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Photos of Family

I have so much to write about and just no desire to type out the words.
So instead, here’s some photos!

My brother, my lil nephew, and my Grandmother Thanksgiving week:
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A photo my brother sent me from when he was out hunting. He said the squirrel kept trying to figure out exactly what my brother was:
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And my sister-in-law just sent me these photos of Lil Nephew’s first visit to the Zoo!

LOVE this photo of my brother with Lil Nephew. It so accurately captures how enthralled my brother is with his son:
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Lil Nephew checking out a zebra, that is also checking him out:
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Happy family:
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And this accurately captures just how alert Lil Nephew is. Those huge blue eyes don’t miss a THING:
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Hopefully Bro or Sis-in-Law will send the photos they took of me with Lil Nephew over Thanksgiving. :) He is such a cutie.