Goddess be with me today.
Protect me from lies, dishonesty, and vicious negativity.
I ask should these be directed at me
or my staff
that they simply be reflected back
to the sender.
To say that this has been a hellacious school year would be just
scratching the surface. I've refrained from writing about it because
I'm doing my best not to dwell on it.
That, and I'm already having to document it for work, and I just have no desire to continue to beat that dead horse.
Beat the parents that are maliciously LYING? Sure, I'd be more than happy to do that.
It's just that having assault on my record would greatly limit my career opportunities, so I restrain myself.
Today is that day that the most vicious liar usually comes in to pick up
her child. It's also the ONLY day of the week that she picks him up.
Every other day, it's either the step-father figure or one of four
family friends.
This is the one claiming I'm a racist, that I'm bullying her child, that
I'm encouraging my staff to bully him, that I protect pedophiles, and
everything under the sun that falls into that realm. Luckily for me,
I've documented all of this AND have witnesses that can testify for all
the various times she's changed her story. I've requested that she, my
boss, and I all sit down and see if we could get all the facts out at
once and clear the air. She flat out told my boss that's never going to
happen because she is just too busy. *shakes her head* Which is fine
by me, because I have not desire to sit down with this woman and have
her lie straight to my face.
At least now I know where her son gets it. Luckily, he's just as poor a liar as she is.
I've applied for pharmacy jobs through Wallgreens and Target.
Walmart doesn't have any in the area. I still need to apply through
CVS. And then begin looking at the hospitals. I want OUT of child
care. Let someone else deal with that stupid cunt.
This past Saturday, we all met up at Kiranae's house for Mabon. It was a lovely ritual. Very personally moving.
Imagine my shock when I heard from Rose (our High Priestess) on Monday, that Kiranae's house had burned to the ground.
Kiranae was at home at the time, but got out safely. She got three of
her four dogs out too. Sadly, Bailey didn't make it. The firemen
pulled him out (he's an old Yorkie) and were giving him CPR and trying
to revive him, but Kiranae finally stopped them and told them he was
She is AMAZINGLY upbeat about the whole situation.
And I think that's pretty much it that I wanted to touch base on.
I need to get better about writing.
I'm just REALLY enjoying not having the Morning Pages looming over me any more.
I've begun looking at what it's going to cost for me to make the beaded
wrap/case for my athame. I'm really enjoying that. *smiles* Can't
wait to get started.